vineri, 27 septembrie 2013

                                                    GIFT STAR

             Once , as a child, someone told me an extraordinary thing : "There are many more than 100 . " " But you have to be so many numbers? " - I asked myself ... but from everything I've thought, " perhaps to count the stars in the sky" ... and I imagined that every star is a world , and each world is a small part of a bigger world . I was in first grade, and looking out the window at the stars on a clear summer night . I imagine every star is a planet , and how each planet lives of a child like me who perhaps now as I sit at the window , counting stars ... waving and smiling to another child, the other stars .I've noticed that I'm me , but that there are other beings around. Everyone seems to live in our world unique yet interconnected in a way that some cells of a larger organism , which we call 'community' . Or " ecosystem" . Or " planet " . Or " Universe " .
For an organization or community to function well , each cell has to have to function optimally . If each cell works and is healthy , the body is healthy and has a good chance to not know the disease and suffering. If people - cell community - understand that each person / being in part dependent on the proper functioning of the community, where community members can benefit from the advantages provided by their proper functioning .Imagine at some point in our body that some liver cells - for example , conclude that it makes no sense to work , or they do not have reason to be happy ... for the sake of working for the sake of whom work in the background cells body ? Imagine a discussion :
" Look, there in heaven up there a supreme deity called Adi , who is our Creator who created us and we provide food every day, so we are as a parent who wants to be all happy ," whispers one of cells, which saw a lucid dream image of being enormous , head up to the sky. " What Adi ? What " ego " thinks it is above us ? " Another is enraged , seized by revolutionary fever . "There is no such creature ! And even if there is ... who is he to order us us? Must be such a creature somewhere in heaven ... that does not see anybody on here ... it 's be good , but what he knows and cares of life and our needs ? " "We see how we struggle , and does nothing ... so ... let us die cell by cell ..." start another desperate cry .Cells that have lost confidence in Adi become so sick provokes indigestion , fever, or who knows what other large or small annoyance . Adi feels sadness , because although the Supreme Being in the body and in the world , its cells do not listen , and broke the wellbeing and health scindandu into two groups - one that went on strike , became antisocial and makes the head, and another who would like to continue work normally , but can not because of poisonous substances and energy signals that emanate sabotaged the cell corrupt .Adi 's body and cells are healthy and diseased cells . But who depend on it for health, happiness and welfare of Adi , the Supreme Being of the physical body ? And further, by whom depends the happiness and welfare of the community is just one component Adi , a cell ? But the city ? A country ? A continent ? A planet ? A universe ?
Adi linger on her face lined with an understanding smile . Star star every spark gets directly in the center of his being the gift of True Love Knowledge and eyes open all amazed at the understanding that a star shines the most beautiful when happy.
And all is well.